A Revolutionary Approach to Heart Monitoring
If you have ever worn a conventional heart monitor (Holter), you know how uncomfortable the experience can be.
In most cases, your doctor will prescribe the monitor to track your heart rhythm during your daily routine, but wearing a bulky pack around is anything but conducive to a normal day. Now, there is an alternative.
CardioSTAT is a compact, discrete and exceptionally comfortable heart monitor that will allow you to stay active throughout the day. Designed with your comfort in mind, CardioSTAT can be worn throughout your workout session and even in the shower. What’s more, its lightweight design ensures it won’t interfere with your sleep.
The CardioSTAT monitor offers an unmatched comfort. In fact, you might even forget that you are wearing it!
Designed For Patient Like You
Heart rhythm monitoring aligned with your lifestyle
Stay active
With a CardioSTAT recorder you can continue your daily activities.
Comfortable all day and all night. You can sleep while wearing a CardioSTAT recorder.
Maintain any daily hygiene routine without interrupting the recording.
Of patients preferred CardioSTAT over Holter
Of patients found the CardioSTAT recorder comfortable
“For me, this CardioSTAT equipment is the best I have ever had for a heart monitor test.”
How the CardioSTAT Test Works ?
Few steps to monitor your heart
1. Prescription
Your doctor has prescribed you a CardioSTAT test.
2. Installation
Your CardioSTAT recorder will be applied on your torso.
3. Recording
Carry on with your daily activities while the device records your heartbeats.
4. Return
You will return the monitor using the pre-paid envelope by depositing it in a mailbox.
5. Results
Your doctor will communicate your results back to you.
Frequently Asked Questions
The device records the electrical activity related to your heartbeat during the whole time it is worn. Once the recording period has been completed, the device is returned by mail to the analysis center. A specialized technologist will analyze the recorded data and provide a report to a healthcare professional who will be responsible for interpreting the results. These will be communicated to you by your prescribing healthcare professional
The CardioSTAT test is available only under prescription. If you do not have a medical prescription for the CardioSTAT test or if you have a prescription for a Holter, you must talk to your doctor to get a prescription for a CardioSTAT test.
Click here to learn where to get a CardioSTAT test. -
You can make an appointment in one of our service points. Click here to locate the nearest service point.
Also, you can choose to have a CardioSTAT installation kit delivered directly to your home. Click here to learn about our Mail-to-Patient service.
Click here if you live in the province of Ontario. -
Do not apply lotion or cream on the torso. Wear a garment that facilitates access to the torso (for example, a shirt).
For an in clinic application, bring your list of medications.
You can go about your usual activities including sport but avoid excessive sweating.
If you paid for the CardioSTAT test yourself, the cost may be covered by your private insurance. Please consult your insurer specifying that this is an "ambulatory ECG test".
¹ - Icentia patient survey conducted by Mohawk College Medical Technologies Innovation Centre, 2020-2021, over 400 patients